The board


Stichting 4Watoto is internationaal opererend vandaar dat er zowel in DR Congo als in Nederland een raad van bestuur actief is.

Board of Directors

The 4Watoto Foundation operates internationally. Both in the DR Congo and in the Netherlands, we have a Board of Directors. The board of directors has overall supervision of the general course of events in the organization. The tasks and powers of the board are laid down in the statutes.


The board of directors of Stichting 4Watoto consists of 3 members in total.             The board is formed by Jelle Nodelijk, Stan van der Weijde and Lars Verweij. Each member of the board has a specific portfolio, which is divided up as follows: general affairs, education, marketing, media and finance. 

Jelle Nodelijk is chairman of the board and treasurer, he is responsible for the general affairs, marketing and finance portfolio. Together with Stan van der Weijde, he is responsible for the portfolio media. Vice-president Lars Verweij is co-responsible for the general affairs portfolio and marketing. Founder Stan van der Weijde is facilitating the connection between The Netherlands and DR Congo. He is also responsible for the education portfolio.


The board of directors of Foundation 4Watoto Asbl. consists of 5 members in total. The board is formed by Aline Rehema, Hope Kwitunga, Albert Kalamo, Fortuna Mudiandambu and Gabriel Kashala. Each member of the board has a specific portfolio, which is divided up as follows: general affairs, education, pedagogy, marketing & media and finance. 

Aline Rehema is chairwoman of the board and also responsible for the general affairs and finance portfolio. Our Head Of Media Hope Kwitunga is responsible for the marketing & media portfolio. Next to that, as a treasurer she is co-responsible for the finance portofolio. Our Head Of Education Gabriel Kashala is responsible for education. Albert Kalamo is responsible for the pedagogy portfolio and secretary Fortuna Mudiandambu is co-responsible for the general affairs portfolio. 

Click on the picture to learn more about each board-member 
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